Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day of Preschool

Welcome friends:) We had a very special day here at the Tenenbaum home yesterday.

That's right. Yesterday was the first day of preschool for Richie. A group of us moms from church decided to put together a preschool co-op. We do it twice a week for a few hours. I see excellent things in the making!! I was the test runner yesterday. It was so good for me on many different levels, especially since I'm starting kindergarten with Chaz in a little under 3 weeks. Let me just say thank heavens for apple timers. It was my saving grace.

Here is a little peak into our homeschool/preschool loft area. I feel so blessed to have such a space. I feel like some great learning is going to be done in this room, and not just by Chaz and Richie.

Isn't that the cutest chalkboard? $1 at a local thrift store. In other news-- I'm not overly happy with this map. Maybe if the nautical stars were actually on it I'd like it a little bit more. You see there are certain things in life that I'm totally type A about. Good wall art/maps is one of them. This, however, will most definitely do for now.

And without further ado, here is our little preschool group. They are all so adorable and eager to learn. Everything they do is the most important thing of all time. They use there little hands to explore and create things us moms have and, let's be honest, haven't heard of. What more could one ask for? Tomorrow we will be focusing on learning about apples. I have a whole Johnny Appleseed thing planned. I'm utterly excited!! Painting smocks will be used:)

Has your summer started winding gown yet? Have your kiddo's started school? I love seeing all of the 1st day of school photo's popping up all over facebook. Ours won't be up until September 4th as I am a Northerner and am strongly against starting school before Labor day. I'm just sayin'

Listening to: Emery- From crib to coffin



  1. i love this little pre-school set up! they all look so happy! and i love the map and chalkboard!
    xo TJ

  2. how cute!Looks like the perfect place for those kiddos to start learning!

  3. You are amazing Cat! Love it. You are the best little teacher. So where are you guys now? I must be out of the loop!! Are you back in the states and are you done with the overseas adventures for now? Fill me in girl. Good luck this year teaching preschool and your little guy kindergarten.
