Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Words To Live By

Let me just start out by saying that it is with the deepest hope that by the begining of next week we will be in our own place again. {can I get an amen??}

Things have been boarder line chaotic and I have an ever growing list of posts that I want to share with you all, but it just not the right time to-- ever!!

I found this quote today on...you guessed it; Pinterest and I absolutely loved it. It is everything I have been feeling lately. Everything I have felt is wrong with the world these days and I will most definitely go into more details about why later.

Ready for this one?? Here it is...BAM::


Don't forget me now. I promise things will go back to normal very soon. Please and thank you for the patience.

xO- Etheline

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful quote. something that i think so many people would disagree with. but it's true, going back to the simpler things is refreshing to the soul. adore!
    xo TJ
