Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Words to live by

I was so very excited to see The Help, but forbid myself to watch before I read the book. I find that 9 times out of 10 I prefer the book to movies and didn't want to miss out on anything good. So as time was running out and we were packing I got the audio book and listened while my days zoomed on around me.

I'm happy to report that I loved it. I found myself hugging my baby girl extra tight everyday, because I found Ms. Leefolt's obvious disregard for her daughter appalling. I loved the relationship that formed between Celia Foote and Minny Jackson because even though their social status', amongst other things, were at two different ends of the spectrum their womanhood and trials as such bonded them together.

As popular as a quote this is now I still believe in the power of its simple truth. What a wonderful thing to remind yourself each morning as we wake with a new conviction to take on this world we live in. Tell me, have you read The Help? Is it on your list? What about the film-- did you see? What were your thoughts? Share them with me; I'd love to chat about it. Books are my very favorite things {that don't breath}. I have a massive "to read" list right now and find myself having a hard time narrowing down what I want to settle on. Any suggestions??

One more thing...Do you have a Good Reads? I do:: If you are interested here is my page. This is the greatest way to keep track of all the books you want to read, have read, or are currently reading. Plus you get to have friends:) Friends are great!!

 Have a radtacular Tuesday-



  1. what is Good Reads? sounds like something I might like...
    I always like to read the books first because it gives me so much more of a background when I watch the movie.

  2. i never got around to reading the book, but i did see the moving and it was so moving. that quote was definitely one of my favorites! something to live by for sure!
    thank you for sharing, girl!
    xo TJ

  3. i never read the book, but i did love the movie. loved the message, loved their clothes :)
